V House Fiumicino

For more info: +39 334 979 2257

How to Check-In Double Room

Check-in time is from 3:30 p.m.

Premises with active smoke detectors, smoking is prohibited inside each room 🚭

Follow these instructions to check in.

  1. Go to "Via Giorgio Giorgis, 155 (Fiumicino)
  2. This is the gate. On the right is an intercom. Push the GUEST HOUSE button.

  3. The gate will open when the GUEST HOUSE button is pressed.

  4. Once open, go forward to a white door on the right with the inscription "V"

  5. This is the white door. On the right side is a keypad, where you have to put the PIN that I will send you

  6. This is the keypad. The PIN code will be valid until 12:30 p.m. on the day of check out

  7. This is the common room

  8. Your room is No. 2. You will find the key attached to the outside. When checking out, please leave the key where you found it.

  9. To open the gate, simply press the button at the end of the corridor