How to Check-In Double Room
Check-in time is from 3:30 p.m.
Premises with active smoke detectors, smoking is prohibited inside each room ðŸš
Follow these instructions to check in.
- Go to "Via Giorgio Giorgis, 155 (Fiumicino)
- This is the gate. On the right is an intercom. Push the GUEST HOUSE button.
- The gate will open when the GUEST HOUSE button is pressed.
- Once open, go forward to a white door on the right with the inscription "V"
- This is the white door. On the right side is a keypad, where you have to put the PIN that I will send you
- This is the keypad. The PIN code will be valid until 12:30 p.m. on the day of check out
- This is the common room
- Your room is No. 2. You will find the key attached to the outside. When checking out, please leave the key where you found it.
- To open the gate, simply press the button at the end of the corridor